The Problem
StoryForge Productions is a production company based in LA. With projects from webcomics, audio dramas, and even jewelry, this company needed a carefully executed strategy to ensure visitors wouldn’t get lost in the site. *

Thorough Content Strategy
With so much content to organize, getting a strategy was vital. We determined that breaking each potential audience into miniature “biomes” would make the most sense for site. By creating links between projects that matched each biome’s characteristics, visitors would be lead from page to page seamlessly.
Analytics-Based Updates
I set up Google Analytics accross the whole site and we determined how to set-up the biomes based on current tracking traffic patterns. We are continuing to monitor traffic patters so we can periodically revisit the strategy and tweak it to make the site perform better.
End Result
The website includes self-hosted webcomics, splash pages for individual projects, 100+ articles, e-commerce, newsletter capture forms, and extensive social media marketing.

Site Launch & Results
With the launch of the new site, StoryForge has seen a rise in traffic and more visitors travelling from page to page within the site. Online sales are increasing, and they now have a strong platform to reach and communicate with their audience.